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No New Posts Jahal Desert

This desert is packed full of mirages and small pools of poisonous water. Its the one desert that has the most water in it of them all. However it also has some minor quick sand areas and other perils. Out here lie may pyramids and other such lost temples. This desert is ruled by the element water.

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No New Posts Egycan Desert

This desert has fierce sand storms, bandits, no water, and lost temples and such of old. One has to be prepared to endure such a area of low food and no water. This desert is ruled by the element wind.

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No New Posts Furmilla Desert

Here is an area where huge demonic sand worms reside. Don't be caught in a worm tube that is being used, it may be the last thing ever seen. The sand is soft around here, yet where the tubes are it is as hard as bricks. However it also causes for some quick sand areas. Yet the tubes pose as a good place to adventure if one doesn't get trapped or caught. Some temples, mines, and pyramids reside here. This desert is ruled by the element earth.

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No New Posts Ithiaral Desert

This desert sees the most sun. Funny enough there are some strange tar pits out this way and underground vents and lava tubes. It really is a hot place to go, and this is a place where black stone can be found. There may be stuff to find out here, but it is the least likely. This desert is ruled by the element fire.

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