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No New Posts Pythron Wastes

Its not really water, but it is a liquid. This waste land is packed full of acid pools, tar pits, quagmires, quick sand, and other such wet perils. Yet there are prizes out here just waiting to be snatched, such as some legendary gems. This badland is ruled by the element water.

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No New Posts Yinwyer Badlands

These badlands have high tornado problems. Other oddities tend to be out here as well, such as strange vortexes, voids, and other strange anomalies. It probably is the oddest of all. Yet there are treasures to behold out here too. This badland is ruled by the element wind.

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No New Posts Uthen Wastes

Its all canyons and rock here. Steep cliffs hang on either side. Its a very bad place to be if one is not agile enough to go there. And the cliffs seem to lead on down and down to what seems like it could be to the bowls of hell. This badland is ruled by the element earth.

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No New Posts Cynder Badlands

The land is full of just that ciinders and fire. Its an every burning area of volcanic activity, fires, and other such burning isms. Its a very almost impossible to tread but if one has the skill then its as easy as butter. dark creatures tend to dwell here, ones that really like heat that is. This badland is ruled by the element fire.

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