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No New Posts Alayris Mountains

These tall rich mountains expand around much of the vast land and are snow capped, having freezing cold temps. Not the best place to travel without any warm clothing. However ones adventure interest thirsts may be quenched in these particular mountains. One would just have to know where to find it.These mountains are ruled by the element of water.

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No New Posts Zyrimor Mountains

These mountains are very windy. They don't tend to have a lot of trees on them. Many very steep trenches and caverns jut along the edges of these particular mountains. Unless one is an agile climber these would not be the mountains to travel. However if one can travel this treacherous range then they can find treasures beyond their wildest dreams. One just has to know the way. This range is ruled by the element of wind.

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No New Posts Terridon Mountains

These mountains are lush green and full of life. Trees run almost all the way to the tops of these very mountains. They are not as dangerous as some of the others, but at the same time they have there own dangers. Yet amongst the many trees lie caves full of adventure. These mountains are ruled by the element of earth.

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No New Posts Cynderoth Mountains - 1 Viewing

These mountains are packed with volcanic ranges and perils of volcanic flows all around. Its constantly hot around these parts, however for some that may be best place to go and visit. There are many tunnels that are carved by old lava tubes, so who knows what adventures could be sought here. This mountain range is ruled by the element Fire.

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