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No New Posts Quanic Swamp

Water, water, everywhere...but not a drop to drink. This is one of the most wettest swamps ever. It comes down to being the epitome of what it means to be a swamp. But no one would want to drink the water here. Ships have wrecked here plenty of times so there is plenty of treasure. A good place for a pirate to hide some stash. This swamp is ruled by the element water.

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No New Posts Halo Swamp

This swamp has the most obnoxious creature ever, its a singing creature that tends to ship wreck vessels all the time. This swamp is most of the time is as dark as ever. This swamp is ruled by the element wind

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No New Posts Locarus Swamp

Dense and wet, the most maze like of the all the swamps. Be wary though, the vines tend to have a living effect here. Who know when one could disappear. Ships, temples, and that reside here. So there is much adventure that awaits as well. This swamp is ruled by the element earth.

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No New Posts Ziphron Swamp

This swamp has molten tar pits in it and sulfuric areas that tend to erode ship hulls and other objects. Be careful when walking or treading, it may be the last. This swamp is ruled by the element fire.

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