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No New Posts Raynor Ocean

This is the ocean to the east. It is the most calm of the oceans. Diving expeditions are fun. This plain is ruled by the element water.

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No New Posts Mythirin Ocean

This is the ocean to the west. It is the second most calm of the oceans having minor storms with galling winds, yet on calm days its the best winds a ship can get. Diving expeditions are fun here to however. This ocean is ruled by the element wind.

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No New Posts Matryx Ocean

This is the ocean to the north. It is the third most calm of the oceans. However the farther you go north, the colder it gets. Icebergs lie here. Different gems can be found in these waters. Diving expeditions are fun here too. There are some caves up in these parts that are underwater that hold what are called "aurora" caves. This ocean is ruled by the element earth.

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No New Posts Avaloril Ocean

This is the ocean to the south. It is the fourth most calm of the oceans. Its the warmest ocean. Yet it has underwater vents that create heat in these parts. Also areas that are shallow are hard to sometimes find in this area. Yet there is a lot of tropic things to explore here. Diving expeditions for sure are fun. here This ocean is ruled by the element fire.

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